Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Way Too Hot

Dear friends,

As it has become clear that there's no way I'm working on my illustration project in this weather (it's hot enough without the photo lights), I 've decided to post a new entry to create the illusion that I'm being productive.

With that, I present to you some recent photographs of the very first of my garden produce (okay, so I guess I actually am being productive):

Green beans and basil, which I chopped up with some red onion and dressed with the standard olive oil and vinegar combination, salt, pepper, and possibly some other things that I can't quite remember.

The second small batch of beans and my very first homegrown squash which, disappointingly, looked a lot better than it tasted.

And here's one more for the road:

This one isn't from my garden; it's an artichoke grown by my dad and step-mom which has since been delivered to my house, steamed, dipped in salty lemon-butter and eaten.

That's all for now!

Until next time,

Lea Z.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

At Long Last

Dear Pals,

I've finally gotten off my butt to create this newfangled blog which I will be using to share my work.

Food and art are at the very top of my list of favorite things. I have a degree in photography, practice the obsessive-compulsive art of needle-felting and, when either or both of these things have caused my blood sugar to plummet to the point of hysteria, enjoy cooking and/or baking something tasty. Combining two or three of the aforementioned activities makes me happiest; I'm currently working on a series of photographic illustrations based on felt and photographic sculpture (whew!), and when I need a break from that I take pictures of the food that I make.

Since I've managed to drink about seven or eight cups of tea today, I decided to kick off with this image from my illustration project:

And, since you can't have tea without cookies (well, I suppose you can, but what's the fun in that?), I've also included a photo of today's baking endeavor: cardamom cookies from The Finnish Cookbook by Beatrice A. Ojakangas.

If these look tasty to you, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book. It's my favorite cookbook and has never let me down.

Till we meet again,

Lea Z.